Saturday, February 7, 2009

Toddlers & Tiaras

Has anyone else seen the new horrible show "Toddlers and Tiaras" on TLC? Frankly, it infuriates me. However, I am strangely addicted to it, as I am also addicted to "Rock of Love Bus" on VHI. This makes perfect sense to me because the little girls that are in these pageants will most likely end up in some form of reality television as adults as well, such as "Jonas Brother's Rock of Love Bus" (20 years from now) or more likely"Cathouse".
This show follows sweet but mostly spoiled little girls and their disillusioned mothers while they work the pageant circuit. The fathers are never around and I gather many of these women probably don't have husbands anyhow. Daddy left because mommy stopped paying attention to him because she's in love with their daughter and wants to live through the poor thing. "I don't have time to give you a blowjob right now honey, Sally is late for her spray tan appointment. Sorry, I didn't have time to make you any dinner, Little Amy is having her lipo today. That Easter candy really did a number on her thighs!"
And seriously, what are these mothers thinking? These girls have the whole rest of their lives to be JUDGED! We're all judged in this world, especially women! These little girls will be judged by themselves, their boyfriends or girlfriends, other women, men and society as a whole until they die. Why not delay the humiliation for as long as we can.
Let's be honest too people, most of these kids aren't cute anyway. Their mothers put so much make-up on them and fake hair and teeth and tans that they end up looking like mini drag queens! The mothers know they aren't cute too. That's why they are in these pageants in the first place, for validation that they didn't create an ugly baby.
I've always respected TLC for showing quality programming. I'm slowly losing that respect. These girls are being paraded around to be judged by strangers. Their mothers say "All little girls love to get dressed up and pretend that they're princesses." So let them be princesses at home where they are loved and they can ALWAYS win.
There are "made up" categories in these pageants like "Best Hair". You know who always wins "Best Hair"? The chubby girls. Every time these kids lose the overall title it is validation that they aren't good enough. This is going to lead to a string of problems as adults and I bet this will have extremely negative effects on their future intimate relationships. These girls are going to be self concious of themselves for the rest of their lives, no sex with the lights on here!
This show has turned me into a judge of these little girls and their mothers too. They all lose. And another thing moms, just so you know, pageants are notorious hotspots for pedophiles and they do go home and jerk off to your daughters in their little bathing suits. Think about that for a second. To be continued...


  1. I have not seen this show as I am too busy to watch TV these days. You pretty much hit the nail on the head how I felt with the JonBenét Ramsey ordeal. It is a shame these parents are trying to live through their daughters. In the end, these young women will undoubtedly loose. I love your bluntness. That was great for your first time! I look forward to your next one.

  2. Amen, lady! I think pageant moms are a creepy breed. If you are too wrapped up in seeking attention and approval for yourself and your offspring to realize the innate conflict between pageants and the notion that all girls want to dress up and act like princesses, you're just not paying attention.

    There is only one princess crowned at the end of each event, so the rest of the little girls get to spend their time wondering where they fell short. To intentionally insert your child into this type of situation is not a kindness.

    This indirectly relates to one of the reasons I decided not to learn the gender of my child before she was born. To anyone who just couldn't believe that I could live without knowing, I replied that my child would have the rest of their life to be stereotyped and I saw no need to get a head start.

    Lisa, I have always loved your straightforwardness, and I'm looking forward to checking in on your blog.


  3. It's called showild abuse. Most of these shedevils could not win an ugly dog contest.
