Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Get out and stay out you dumb, ignorant jerk.

Who needs him? If Bishop Richard Williamson has already been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church for the last 20 years Pope Benedict XVI might as well leave him out. Williamson’s vehement denial of the gassing of Jews during the Holocaust is disgusting and a denial of the lord himself. Any attempt to “rehabilitate” the man is an exercise in futility. He is backwards in his thinking and beyond help.
These Holocaust denying statements are coming from the mouth of a man who said “A woman can do a good imitation of handling ideas, but then she will not be thinking properly as a woman.” He also believes women should not attend school.
Because of his remarks, Williamson has not only hurt the remaining survivors of the Holocaust and all Jews, but the face of religion and people of the world as a whole. His statements reinforce people’s discontent and doubt about religious teachings and teachers. They also provide validation to the deniers around the world and will now put the idea into the heads of those who feel unsure about Holocaust facts vs. fiction. They will also cause great conflict between Christians and Jews in a time where there is certainly ENOUGH religious feuding in the world.
I do not always agree with the decisions that are made by the Vatican, but I applaud the Pope for his refusal of allowing Williamson back into the Roman Catholic Church. Until Williamson recants his statements and makes a public apology to the world his admittance should not be up for debate and neither should the Holocaust.


  1. One visit to the Holocaust Museum in D.C. and the 18 hours of pictures, clay models of the gas chamber, the train cars to walk through that were traveled in on the way to doom, combs, hairbrushes, and, most striking to me, a room of shoes...one would never dare doubt the happening of the Holocaust. These things are the only things left behind to tell the story of these poor people...the audacity of a human being to claim otherwise is unfathomable to me.
